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Call (805) 338-7727 to speak with a licensed insurance agent.

Health News and Tips

Select an article below to read more.

20 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Dementia

April 12, 2021

Learning all that you can about the dementia can help you feel more confident and capable about managing it.

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A Common Disease That Most People Don’t Know They Have!

April 5, 2021

Many of us have never even heard of this condition, but experts estimate that it could affect nearly a third of the US population.

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Can You Deduct Medical Expenses on Your Income Tax Return?

March 22, 2021

What are the rules for deducting out-of-pocket medical expenses? Here are the details…

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3 Simple Dessert Tips for Diabetics

March 16, 2021

Something as simple as eating dessert can be an issue for a diabetic. Here are a few tips to consider.

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What is an Advance Medical Directive and Why Might You Need One?

March 8, 2021

Who would make medical decisions for you if you were unable to make them for yourself? The answer isn’t always that easy.

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Which Foods Can Reduce Inflammation… and Which Ones Make It Worse?

March 2, 2021

Did you know that some foods can actually help reduce inflammation in your body? But others can make it worse!

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3 Underlying Conditions That Increase Covid-19 Risk

February 24, 2021

Even though we’re fighting an invisible enemy, you can take steps to make your body less hospitable to the virus and lower your risk of serious complications.

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This Medical Tax Break Could Bring Relief to Retirees

February 17, 2021

This is good news for anyone who experiences considerable medical spending in any given year.

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